Create your free remitsolution account in minutes.
Choose the amount of money send and tell us who to send it to.
Pay using a debit/credit card or bank transfer.
We’ll notify you when the transfer is complete, usually within minutes.
Faster, simpler, safer - send to those you love today.
No need to visit an agent. Send 70 currencies to 130 countries, simply from your smartphone or computer at your home!
TODAY REMIT typically offers competitive fees compared to traditional banks and other money transfer providers. This can save you money, especially for larger transactions.
No need to visit an agent. You can check everything about your money transfer status in your hands, at your place!
With TODAY REMIT, you can transfer your money to your bank or vice versa.
TODAY REMIT has been liked by its customers. It is very simple to use and quick to complete the transactions. It is very affordable in terms of charges and exchange rates.
TODAY REMIT operates in 130 countries. It accepts 30 payment methods and more than 70 currencies.